Série videí o soukromí a bezpečnosti v digitálním prostoru.
Killswitch pro Linux
Občas se může hodit možnost rychle vypnout počítač. Zde jsou dva příklady, jak to udělat.
8 tips for a digitally safer holiday
The holiday season can be risky, not only because of potential injuries during sporting activities, but also for your digital devices. We lose our phones or laptops more often than ever on holiday. Whether we forget them on the train, at the beach or at a party, or they are simply stolen. Not only that, …
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Lost or stolen phone/computer
The vast majority of our devices are now portable. In the past, we used computers and telephones that we had at home or in the office and that never left these spaces. Today everything is different. We carry laptops from place to place, go with them on business trips and on holiday. Obviously, it’s absolutely …
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VPN – Protecting Your Communication and Salvation for the European Internet?
In connection with the adoption of the new European legislation known as Article 13/17, which introduces new regulations for Internet content providers, more talks about VPN have become a tool that will allow the Internet to continue to be used without restriction in Europe How can it help not only in finding content on the …
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Brute-force attack – demo
Jak funguje tzv. brute-force útok? Můžete si ho vyzkoušet.
How long it can take to crack your password?
Calculation of time needed to crack password via brute-force attack.
Message encryption – demo
Plain (email) Client to Server (Facebook Messenger, Gmail) End to end (Signal, Threema, Wire) You Hello there! Send Key: Transfer to server (internet): Hacker Server: AdminPolice Transfer to receiver (internet): Hacker Receiver: Key:
Data breach check
You can check if your login credentials (and other data) were breached. Submit your username or email address you are using for registrations. Do not submit your password (here or anywhere else)! You need to have javascript enabled. In case the form is not working you can visit the site directly: https://haveibeenpwned.com/ What to do …
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